Species Reintroduction
As of 2019, 344 animal species in Costa Rica are listed on the IUCN Red List as threatened, endangered or critically endangered [1]. Many of these species’ populations are decreasing at alarming rates. At Wild Sun, our goal is to help boost threatened populations in an effort to reverse the trend of mounting population loss.
We have a partnership with AsoProLapa, a Scarlet Macaw breeding program on the Nicoya Peninsula. Thanks to our proximity to the Cabo Blanco reserve, Wild Sun is an ideal spot to reintroduce Scarlet Macaws to an area where they no longer exist.
Scarlet macaws once thrived the Nicoya Peninsula, where two of their main food sources, the mountain almond and beach almond, grow in abundance. There are also few known predators of macaws in this area, making it an ideal place for reintroduction and sustained population growth.
We currently have 6 pairs of breeding adults. In 2019, we released 10 macaws, then 14 more in 2021, and 11 in 2022. It’s amazing to see them flying free for the first time in 60 years! And with our nestbox project, hopefully we will soon be able to report the first wild born scarlet macaw in the Cabuya area!
Looking to the future, we are working towards reintroducing Geoffroy's Spider Monkey, an endangered primate that has disappeared from this region of Costa Rica.
We strive to stay active in conservation efforts in order to maintain and strengthen populations to buck the current trends of species loss and extinction.